I just wanted to let you know Benny is such a loving snuggle bug. He is doing well. You said to me you weren't sure what his ears will do.. well the left one stays down and right one almost always stays up.. when he gets excited both his ears perk straight up! He is still super small... I think he was a runt. I don't think he is going to be very big at all. Snuggle bug**

I wanted to send you pictures of all of my kiddos. The first two are of Lulu. My wonderful little cuddle bug. The next is of Chloe and Diva. I'm wanting to make a print of this picture to frame. Chloe loves to lay on a pillow. She'll lay on my pillow with me. She has a personality like no other. Simply amazing and definitely a Lonny's girl. Last but not least is my little boy Sammy. He had fallen in love with Beau and was glad he wasn't the only boy.
I so love this breed for everything they stand for. They are like potato chips-you just can't have one!!!!

​Just wanted you to see how well little Heidi is getting along. That is Hannah with her and Casey who loves them.
Barb Schutter

Samantha, 5 year old Shorky.  She is the love of my life.  She goes to work with me every day, and brings me so much joy.  I just thought I would drop you a quick note.  Thank you for providing such beautiful puppies.
Lori Sigler 

We absolutely love our new baby. She is spoiled and so bad. She is adjusting well into our family! Thanks again!

Thanks for the great information. We think his name will be Finnegan (Finn). We are really enjoying him and he is doing well with everyone so far. 
Thanks again!

​Crystal Hill 1-19-2018

I wanted to say hi and send a quick thanks! We got Brutus from you in July 2016. He was born on May 17, 2016. Puppyhood was rough, but Brutus is as sweet and cute as they come! I think we saw some of his siblings on your site!
Thanks again!


Hey! I was wondering if you had any pics of Ollie’s mom & dad so I have an idea of what he’ll look like? 😊 

Also, he’s doing wonderfully! Here’s some pics 🥰

We just wanted to say hello! Here’s an updated photo of Harlow, she is still the sweetest girl ever. She is spoiled rotten & as always loves to give kisses 24/7. We have recommended you over and over to our friends.
Bill & Angie Thurman

​We got this lil guy a couple years ago from you guys!!! He is so smart and well behaved!!! He knows a lot of commands and love, love, loves people!!

​Betsy Knaus

Here's a couple of pics of our little family we wanted you to see too  :) we are so excited to add the little girl to our house of boys  5-26-2017

​Baron just celebrated his second birthday last week! We just  ❤ him to pieces!!  🐾

Ashley Boske

Hey! We are loving our puppy and she is adjusting so well into our family! We had a great experience with you! Thanks so much! I hope you don't mind me asking-but what kind of soap/shampoo should I get to bathe her in? She smelled so good when we picked her up!


We purchased our first dog from Aztec in December 2016, Lexi is our precious Black and Tan Morkie. She is so intelligent, sweet and a social butterfly. Everyone stops us when we walk her to inquire where we got such a loving puppy! We'll definitely be using this breeder again.


Just wanted to send you a quick update. Oscar is doing great! He is an absolute joy and a bundle of energy. We've been working on obedience training for a while and he's been picking it up slowly but surely. He has come, sit, and potty all down.
He visits his cousin Annabelle often and they play like there's no tomorrow. She, however, has ended up being a strong willed little girl!
Thank you so much for this bundle of joy! I just took this picture, so haven't gotten his tears cleaned up. We did just get his 3rd round of shots this past week and he now weighs 6 pounds!

Hi Shonda! Sorry for the late reply. We chose the name, Cooper, for our little guy. Things were a little hectic the first couple days but we are starting to get into a routine with Cooper. We took him to the vet yesterday and he got a clean bill of health. They called this morning to say that his fecal test was negative. He did have a small hernia where his umbilical cord was but the vet said it wasn’t anything to worry about right now. They said if necessary they can treat it when he gets neutered. He is getting more comfortable with us each day and we are very happy to have him!
Attached to this email are a few pictures of Cooper.  😊
Thank you so much for all of your help!
Heather & Bryan 11-03-2017

This review is every bit overdue. We brought our shichon home on March 14, 2015. Our experience was wonderful...great communication, and my pup was very healthy. We now have a very sassy 12 pound family member that rules the roost. I would recommend purchasing from them again.



We named him Cooper, he is so loved. He is the best little guy he's extra spoiled.

Hello! I know you would receive a boatload of emails if we all sent puppy updates but I just wanted to thank you for our puppy. He completes our family! He makes a bad work day so much better with one little kiss. He loves to steal socks, hates getting a bath and getting brushed, loves to "wrestle" around with my husband and kids, and cuddle with me. He just turned two and is as cute as ever. He is still shedding the black. I thought you would like to know our vet said we found a great breeder. Thanks again for this little cutie pie. 

Tanya Kaiser   1-15-2018

Hi Shonda,
This is Abby on her first birthday. We got her from you last October. She is a morkie and I believe we were told she was the runt of the litter. She is 5 lbs. and she is something else. She has both of us wrapped around her paws. She is a very smart puppy and the cutest thing she does is nudge (with her nose) or paw a ball back to us after rolling it to her. If she thinks we are ignoring her, she will go get a ball and start playing so we will roll it back and forth. Of course, we do!!

I bought bella about 2 years ago from you. You were selling her for a friend. I had my heart set on a typical yorkipoo but then you brought out this crazy fur ball with wild hair! Ive cant describe how amazing this dog is! Literally the most loveable, smart, adorable , and loyal dog ever. It was all meant to be! Thank you for showing me to her! ......btw i always recommend you to people looking for pups!!
Anne Barbieri 12-7-2017

Shonda, 1 year later, boy they are a handful, couldn't imagine not having them, thanks, bz

​Here is Daphne all grown up.  She is an absolute joy to me. Im thankful to have her as my little girl/best friend. She is my sidekick.  

Rhyan Stoneking

Hi Shonda -
LOVING CHARLIE, BEST DOG EVER! His pic is attached... From first week, but seriously he is still the cutest! Wondering if you can send me pics of his parents...?? Interested in having them for keep sake purposes. Thanks! --

Just wanted to share a picture of our puppy, Teddy, that we got from you in November. He's growing fast but doing very well. He's a very happy puppy.

​Tammy Berlage

This is Bj at ten months. We love him very much. When you brought him out to our house it was love at first sight.--
James D. Swartz 

Thank you so much for our newest addition, he is doing great with his brother and he is adjusting well. He goes to the vet today. The girls have named him Koda, he is definetly spoiled 🙂. Alexa

Merry Christmas from Walter and the Eichholds!

Hi Shonda,
I’ve been very busy raising Rocky. My daughter & I picked him up on 11/14/2017 and he’s a wonderful pup!
He went through a several weeks of training as a young pup (11-17 weeks) and we continue to shape & teach him. He’s the most outgoing puppy. At 8 months old, he’s fearless! He loves people and any dog that will give him the time of day.

Big or Small! Our VET is smitten with him, too. Last time my husband took him in and the VET wanted to know where we got such an outgoing, friendly and smart pup! He weighs 13 pounds and the VET told us he’s exactly where he should be as an adult.  So, we watch his food & treats plus he gets plenty of fresh air and exercise.  I still cannot believe the tiny little 3 pound puppy we brought home is now a very strong 13 pound watch dog. He’s my protector and monitors the house and back yard fence area for intruders.  He’s saved me from: Squirrels, Rabbits, Birds, Deer, falling leaves and many other potential invaders into his kingdom. 
Thanks again for bringing up healthy pups! I’m sure it’s a lot of hard work. 
God Bless,
Marie & Rocky Taylor

I've named him Frankie. He is a bundle of joy weighing in at about 6 lbs at 11 weeks..   7-6-2017

This is max I purchased him from u...he was born 11-7-12....as u can see he is doing great and very spoiled. He is wonderful.

Hello! On February 6, 2016 we adopted our little puppy! He is a Multipoo and his name is Ollie. He has been the biggest blessing to our family!!! We thought you would enjoy seeing a current picture along with the day we adopted him  😊 (I will send it in a little while)
We tell all our friends about your kennel and how clean it is and how professional you are. I know that if we ever decide to adopt again we will come to you!
Thank you again for blessing us with the perfect little fur kid 
The Bemus family

So glad to see this post! We also got our Shipoo from you last July and her birthday is on May 17th-so Carson is the brother to our Minnie! We love her dearly and she is the sweetest! Minnie fit perfectly into our family! Here is a pic of her during our most recent camping trip!

Brandi Thompson-Hunt  5-18-2017

I purchased two dogs from you in november or maybe december 4 years ago. Maybe you remember this little thing. You had just gone and saved her from hateful people and she was matted, had a starvation belly and just looked pitiful. Thought you might want to see her now. She is the joy of my life. Goes to work with me every day. This was taken 6 or seven months ago...I just came across it and thought I would send. Thank you for saving her and having her for me! Best dog I have ever had!


He has been doing really good! He has been spending his days at work with me and falls asleep on my desk, lol. He owns the couch and me. Lol
He likes to be blow dried.. puts him to sleep immediately. He’s been really good, such a happy puppy. Thank you! 
😊 thanks for giving us the opportunity to love him. 

We love our Shorkie, brought him home the middle of February.

​Dale Santangelo

I am sooo happy with my purchase of the black Maltipoo several weeks ago. Pottytraining is going well and he's adjusted to his new loving home. I thought you might enjoy seeing a few photos of Sir Prince Phillip Michael. He's totally healthy says his vet and is up to 4 lbs.
Thank you again!
Lori and Phil

Hello shonda
We just wanted to share some pictures of Mattie. These were taken Halloween 2016. And recently . Please feel free to use them if you want .
Mattie is loving life and we adore her! Mattie gets alot of attention , and I have referred your kennel alot.
Your puppies are cute, and very smart! A great combination!!
Hope you and your family are doing well!
Max and Toni Wenzler 
Mattie (2015)


We're so in love- thank you for such a good boy!!

Just wanted to send you a picture of Sadie, she turned 8 months yesterday. She is such a great addition to our family. We love how playful & social she is. She loves people & animals. Thank you for everything.

We purchased our Shi-poo (Kiwi) a week ago from Shonda. She curently weighs 2.1 lbs. She may only weight 2.1 lbs but she is mighty. Her best friend is our 7 yr old Doberman and she gives him a run for his money. She has so much personality, is so sweet and very smart. In one week she is almost totally housebroke. Our vet said she is VERY healthy. So if anyone is wondering about purchasing a puppy from Shonda it will be the best puppy you ever purchase. Thank-you and we love her!Kiwi/Sweet Pea (the Doberman is Sig) and she is doing great after a week. We left you a review on your facebook page. We sure love her. 💕

Received this in the mail this week! So nice of people to send us thank you cards and photos! It reads, if you cant see it clearly:
I got my Shipoo puppy, Carson from you July 17, 2016. He was born May 17, 2016. I thought you might like to see pictures of your puppies when they are grown. Also wanted to let you know how much I enjoy him. he is so happy, healthy, friendly and loves playing with his toys. Thanks again for such a sweet little dog.
Sue McIntyre

Hi, he is melting our hearts.... we have named him Leo .... He loves his Reds ball team !! Thank you, he is doing great !!

​Kim Myers

Here's another few pix of Princess Lexi! Lexi in the vacation cabin, when our whole family and all the dogs went to Gatlinburg back in July. Lexi when I took her to work, and she was on my lap on the blue blanket. And Lexi deciding plushies are fun, after all. She likes tennis balls, but had not played with any of the plushies. And then I noticed the blue bunny kept getting moved around the house. I think she likes the bunny best because it's round like a ball.
She's a wonderful girl. She traveled really well. Whenever we took a rest-area break, she would put her little paws on the van bumper and stretch way up, like "Don't forget to put ME back in the car!" She was a huge hit at work and everyone loved her, held her and kissed her head. People can't get over how cute and small she is, and how lovely and social.
Karen  8-7-2017

We wanted to thank you. 
We love Bruno and are so happy. He's doing very well and adjusted quickly to our apartment in New York.

Hi Shonda,
We are the family that came up last Saturday and brought home the maltipoo. She is doing fantastic!
We named her Dolly, as in Dolly Parton. Here are a few pictures. She is such a good puppy and we are so happy!

Wicket is doing great! He is cuddily, cute & fun. He loves to run in the grass, play ball & snuggle on the couch.
Ambera Robinson   7-20-2017


Thank you again for our precious puppy! We can't believe what a great dog he is and what a great job you did already pretty much training him! We absolutely love this little guy! Bob & Sue Hirz 8-29-2017

2.5 yrs. old she's such a good little girl she's so happy & full of energy u noe she melts my heart tu 4 our beautiful little malti-poo..

​Greg Johnson 1-22-2018

Good Morning Shonda,
I am writing to let you know that the two puppies I purchased from you in November 2001 have been our very best friends. The girl, Paris, passed away last January 27, 2016. Her brother, Cocoa, is still doing very well. He will be 17 this September (9/15) and is still full of vim and vigor--on occasions. Thank you so much for giving us such a wonderful gift.
My 27 year-old daughter wants a chihuahua and although we no longer live in Cincinnati, I would be willing to travel to get another chihuahua from your kennel.  Please let me know if you are still breeding chihuahuas. Thank you,
Evelyne Martial
P.S. Here is a recent picture of Cocoa 2017, and Paris in 12/16, one month before she passed away.