Now that you are aware of our guarantee, are you still having thought's about adding a new family member, now it has come the time to decide if you and your family are ready for the reasonability!  The time to make sure you are prepared for the new arrival of your long term family "FUR KID" before you pick him or her up. Yeah, the one you have been anticipating on bringing into your loving, organized home, but not for long! Well, we are here to help you before you even decided to bring that "Fur Kid" home.. So, let's get busy!

If you take a fur kid home, these are the rules you and your family need to follow to ensure your fur kids safety and continued good health.
Remember when you come to get your new fur kid to bring a towel or pet taxi.  Many like to hold them on their lap while traveling home, but keep in mind that they are not accustom to car rides.  In fact many will get motion sickness on the journey, so be prepared.
You may want to bring a bottle of water, and small bowls if your travel time is more than two hours back home.  You may stop for a potty/relief break, but please do not use a public or high traffic doggie area.

Your new puppy is very similar to a new baby. It needs plenty of rest time, a regular schedule, future vaccinations and good nourishment, consisting of a Premium puppy food, (we recommend Royal Canin Mini Puppy) and the NuVet vitamins sent home with your new member.


If you have a “resident” pet, make sure you introduce your new member gradually and on neutral grounds. Give your “resident” pet an abundance of attention, showing him/her that you are not replacing them, just adding to the family. Pay attention to your resident dog’s eating habits when around the new puppy, watch for aggressive behavior. You may need to feed them in separate areas so that the new addition does not become intimidated by the current dog, causing them to feel uncomfortable eating.

Keep new puppy confined to small area of your home, no free access!! Too many new things to find and get into. Not to mention "unknown" potty spots! We recommend an 18"-22" wire crate . An exercise pen is recommended as well for traveling and indoor/outdoor playtime. Attaching the exercise pen to the crate will make him/her feel less confined. If you are going to be away for long periods of time, you may want to keep a puppy pad in the play pen area in case he or she may need a potty break while you are gone.

Limit Play time to 30 minutes with one hour of "down" time, meaning put him or her in their crate, or “area” alone so that they can relax and get rested for the next round of play. Never disturb a sleeping puppy.

ALWAYS take your puppy outside or to the designated spot to go potty before and after you take them in or out of their crate. Generally within 10-15 minutes after a feeding they need to go potty. If you notice excessive whining, sniffing around the ground/floor, then your puppy is in need of a potty break. Designate an area for your puppy to relieve him or herself. Keep the same spot, do not move it around. Always use verbal praise or discipline with an accommodating tone. During extreme temperatures it is important to use "Puppy-pads" near the designated area's door. Respiratory conditions can develop from the cold and dampness, these guys are little and very close to the cold ground.

Limit bathing to twice per month to avoid dander drying out, which could lead to loss of hair, and/or scratching due to itching. With all “long haired” breeds they require grooming every 6-8 weeks, depending on the preference of coat length. Be sure to use a slicker brush regularly to avoid matting and tangling.

Keep poisonous plants, chemical's, small toys, cat food, etc. out of puppies reach. Puppy proof your home, get on the floor and look around if necessary.

Below you will find some of the most exposed doggie ailments and their symptoms.  Keep in mind that most have similar symptoms, so often it is hard to narrow down what is really causing the fur kid discomfort.

Commonly seen contagious dog illnesses. Here are the causes, symptoms and treatment for some of the most common, contagious dog illnesses that your puppy is vulnerable to.... The importance of maintaining proper vaccination regimens and confining your new puppy until he or she has received the complete series of puppy vaccinations.

Coccidia- The most common parasitic dog illnesses which affects the intestinal tract of puppies, most often seen in puppies between 2 and 12 weeks of age. Caused by the presence of the coccidian protozoa. Transmitted through feces. Many adult dogs and puppies are carriers of this disease but don't show symptoms and eventually build up an immunity to it. If a young puppy becomes stressed, the disease can 'flare up' as a result.

Symptoms - include diarrhea, often pale grey to white in color and very smelly! Vomiting, lethargy and loss of appetite are common. Symptoms can be mild to severe. Treatment is supportive, with fluids being given to combat dehydration. Plus the use of a sulfa-based anti-biotic (Albon 5%) to treat the disease, usually a 5-7 day treatment course.

Giardia-also sometimes known as 'Beaver Fever'. Caused by protozoa Parasites called Giardia, which are found in rivers, streams, lakes, puddles and other bodies of water that contain traces of animal feces.

Symptoms - Many dogs with Giardia are 'a-symptomatic' which means that they don't show any symptoms, but continue to 'carry' and transmit the disease. However, the main symptom is diarrhea, which is often watery and foul-smelling. Vomiting, weight loss and lethargy may also occur. Treatment - antibiotics are required, and the most commonly used medications are Metronidazole (known as Flagyl) and Fenbendazole (Panacur). Both are effective, but your pup may need more than one round of treatment to eliminate the problem. Giardiosis can be transmitted to humans, so avoid swimming in water that could be infected, and follow excellent personal hygiene precautions if your dog gets this disease.

Parvo-virus- Extremely contagious viral disease that attacks the intestines, lymph nodes and bone marrow. Rarer variety can attack the heart resulting in sudden death. Easily transmitted through contact with infected feces, either directly or on shoes, hands etc. Black and tan breeds such as Doberman Pinschers and Rottweilers tend to be especially vulnerable, as are Pitbulls and young puppies.

Symptoms include extreme lethargy, loss of appetite, and severe, profuse vomiting and diarrhea (often bloody) which results in dehydration. Treatment is mainly supportive and relies heavily on intravenous fluids to counteract dehydration and intravenous anti-biotics to attack sepsis infection.

Rabies - Severe and usually fatal viral disease that affects the brain and nervous system. Transmitted through saliva. Once symptoms appear this illness is always fatal to both dogs and humans.  

Symptoms - are behavioral and usually include unusual, irrational and frenzied aggression (if your dog was very shy you may see a increased affection or acute shyness if previously friendly). You may also see lack of co-ordination, seizures and the classic foaming at the mouth. There is no treatment and the disease is always fatal.

Bordatella - Also known as Kennel Cough, this is a highly contagious bacterial infection which affects the respiratory system. Transmitted through saliva or nasal discharge.

Symptoms include runny nose and a lot of coughing and sneezing. Treatment in mild cases can just be supportive and the symptoms go away on their own, but in severe cases or when secondary infections are present (such as pneumonia) antibiotics are used.

Coronavirus - Highly infectious viral disease that affects the intestines. Transmitted through feces.  Although not common in all regions.

Symptoms - include diarrhea, lethargy, loss of appetite and dehydration. Treatment is supportive and concentrates on treating the dehydration.

Lyme Disease- bacterial infection that's transmitted by the bite of an infected deer tick. Can affect the heart, kidneys and joints.

Symptoms include swollen joints, apparent pain and lethargy. A 'bullseye' type rash may appear at the site of the tick bite. Treatment is usually a several week course of antibiotics.

Distemper - Highly contagious viral disease. Can be transmitted through discharge from eyes or nose, through the air, or on shoes, hands etc. Affects the lungs, intestines and brain.

Symptoms include runny nose or eyes, coughing, vomiting and/or diarrhea, lethargy, loss of appetite. Can advance to include partial paralysis or seizures. Only treatment is supportive care such as encouragement to eat, fluid administration and veterinary care for seizures.

Hepatitis - Highly contagious viral disease which affects the liver. Starts in tonsils, spreads to lymph nodes, bloodstream and liver. Can be transmitted through urine, feces and saliva.

Symptoms are similar to Distemper. Severe cases can progress rapidly and cause sudden death. Treatment is supportive care.

Leptospirosis - Bacterial disease affecting the urinary system, including liver and kidneys. Mainly transmitted through infected urine or contact with infected rodents.

Symptoms include loss of appetite, vomiting, lethargy, fever. More advanced symptoms include jaundice, increased thirst and dehydration due to frequent urination. Early antibiotic treatment can lessen the severity and/or duration of this dog illness.

Parainfluenza - A highly infectious viral infection of the respiratory system. Easy airborne transmission through coughing and sneezing.

Symptoms include a runny nose, cough and fever. Treatment is mostly supportive, with antibiotics being given for secondary infections.

Hypo-Glycemia- Classic signs of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)

Lethargy (lack of energy), weakness, lack of appetite, head tilting "drunkenness" - wobbling when walking, unbalanced ·restlessness disorientation, shivering, stupor, glossy eyes, rolling of eyes, lack of muscular coordination, changes in head and neck movements, stiffness of body.

What's normal behavior for a new puppy?

Many new puppy owners are confused by their new pups' behavior during the first few days. A puppy who was bold and outgoing when with his siblings, may suddenly seem quiet and withdrawn. He may not want to eat much, and not seem interested in playing with his (truckload) of new toys. This is perfectly normal.

Bringing home a new puppy who has just left his canine family and come into a totally new environment, with new people, a new routine is often scared, lonely and anxious... even homesick. It's totally understandable, but often unexpected. Many puppies seem to 'withdraw' into themselves, sleeping more than usual, losing their appetite and generally not behaving in a very 'puppy-ish fashion'. This generally lasts for a few days, maybe a week, and then you will begin to see your puppys' true personality emerge.

If you start off with what seems to be a calm, laid-back pup, you could find that within a week or so, you have a 'whirling dervish' on your hands, so don't be surprised at the metamorphasis - be ready!

However, for safety's sake it is important to point out that young puppies are very prone to catching certain canine diseases/illness some of these, like Parvo can be fatal. Some of the symptoms of homesickness as described above, can also be early symptoms of illness in your pup.

Extreme lethargy, loss of appetite, and disinterest in his surroundings are among them. A puppy who is getting sick is also likely to be suffering from repeated, watery diarreah (although a sudden change in diet can also cause loose stools), and will often vomit and be unable to keep food/water down. This can quickly cause dehydration, which is serious in itself. A sick puppy will also often have dull eyes and can't be tempted to take tasty treats, or play for longer than a couple of minutes, if at all. 

Obviously, for a new (and possibly inexperienced) dog owner, it can be difficult to tell whether a puppy is truly sick, or just homesick. However, if you're in any doubt at all, we strongly recommend taking your puppy to your veterinarian.

It's ALWAYS better to be safe than sorry, as young puppies can become ill, very fast.

What's Next?

After the early excitement of bringing home a new puppy, the reality can be a bit of a challenge.

Puppies are living creatures, not cute cuddly toys and, just like human babies, their needs can seem a bit overwhelming at first. The average 8 week old puppy will need a potty break approx every 2-3 hours during the day, generally after playing, eating, or waking from a nap.  And at least once (possibly twice at first) during the night. He or she will need to be supervised whenever they are not in the crate or playpen, and should not be left alone, unattended for long periods.

To make sure that your adorable little furball, grows up to be a friendly, well adjusted and well behaved adult, you will need to make sure that he gets plenty of socialization after completing his vaccination series.  He or she will also need consistent, corrective discipline.  Verbal praise and correction tend to work the best.

Obviously a puppy's growth and development moves at a faster pace than that of humans, but you still need to deal with the 'baby, toddler and adolescent stages' before your cute puppy becomes a mature adult. Each of these stages has it's own joys and problems, but if you're armed with the correct knowledge and advice, you will be able to weather them with ease (or at least without tears) and bringing home that new puppy will be one of the best decisions you ever made.

Stinky Dog?    To avoid overbathing, which dries out Dander, simply wipe down your puppy/dog with any dryer sheet, making them smell fresh and clean without overbathing him or her. 
Got a puppy/dog/cat with fleas?  Just give them a bath in DAWN dish liquid and rinse them well, make sure to get them completley dry and keep them away from drafts.
Fleas in YOUR HOME   Fleas spend most of their time in your furnishings and only hop onto you or your dog for the next meal. Make sure you wash your dog’s bedding regularly in a hot wash cycle. If you add eucalyptus oil to the final rinse it will also kill 99% of house dust mites. Vacuum your home thoroughly, and regularly, but don’t forget to empty your vaccum bag.
Puppy or Dog draggin it's rear?  Think it has worm's?  Try draining it's anal glands by applying pressure on both sides of the rectum while giving him/her a bath.  Ask your groomer or veterinarian  to show you how at your next appointment.
Puppy or dog sctatching the ears?  May not be earmites! May be wax build up. Try Q-Tips, and hydrogen-peroxide.  Clean the ear gently.  Keep excess hair clipped from ear canal.
OH NO, a chewing problem..  You can rub Vicks Vapor Rub on areas of interest to keep the puppy/dog from chewing there.  The smell stears them clear..Just watch out for the expensive shoes and furniture by keeping toys out for the new puppy to play with.
Biting. Oh Boy here we go!!!  Puppies are known for this trait, because they are teething children.  Keep toys available, but when fido tries to nip, grab them by the snout and offer a stern "NO BITE". After a few times of this, you will find that this method will WORK..  It is all repitition. They only know what "WE' teach them.  Keep in mind, never try to make your pup aggressive by rough play around the mouth/snout..
Clipping toe nails!!   An extremely difficult task if not using the correct tool. Use the scissors type of clippers.  Start your puppy at an early age by playing with their paws.  That gets them used to being touched.  Just snip the very ends of the toe nail at the curve.  Do not go past the pink in the nail. If you accidently clip too short and the nail bleeds, just put some household flour on it to help it clot.  (and go longer with the nail next time)
Eye Stains in light colored doggies!!  Oh no not my fito!!  Many products on the market claim to remove these type of stains. It is called Angel Eyes.  No dyes, no wheat and controls the bacteria that causes the staining.
Poop-Eating Pups, Yuck!!
Eating feces--called coprophagia--disgusts dog owners, but this common habit comes naturally especially to puppies. Mothers keep their nests clean by cleaning up after the puppies, and youngsters typically copy-cat the behavior. Most outgrow the habit, but many dogs continue to snack on cat-box "treats" or the leavings of cows and horses. Also, the cat, horse or other animal may not have completely digested all the nutrients, so the dog is not above giving the poop another chance.

And most importantly, BE PATIENT!!! 

Sometimes being man’s best friend is a ruff gig. Training and caring for my humans is an arduous but rewarding process.

Welcome to our Nursery!!  This is where we are born and raised until it is time for mom to start the weaning process to get us ready for our new fur families!!  Air conditioned, heated, with lots of toys and a great indoor play area for rainy, cold days!! We also have a super outdoor play area for warm, sunny days. 

Aztec Kennel/Toypupsohio welcomes you! 

From inside our nursery.  This is an example of a litter that is only one week old.   This is how they look at this age..


If my humans manage to stray from me, please give them a call. I can’t leave them to their own devices for long!

We are a small LICENSED breeding kennel here in the state of Ohio, GO BUCKEYES!!!. 

We are not a glamorous, fast paced, glittery, look at me, send me the money, I mail you the dog kind of web site.  We invest our time in caring for all of our Fur members, not flanting our web page! 

 AS many of you already know, they are out there!!

There are many web sites and ad's for puppies from individuals, or business' that are NOT a Licensed Breeder or even a Licensed business.  In fact, they are not even the Breeder at all, they are the broker, dealer or basically the "middle man". 

The Commercial Dog Breeder's Act went into effect March 13, 2013.  Dog Breeders and Dog Retailers must register with the Ohio Department of Agriculture, as well as the County for which they sell puppies!

Aztec Kennel is Licensed with both Ohio Department of Agriculture and the Butler County Auditor.

We raise our own puppies and "YES" we have the parents to them.  We do not sell to pet stores nor do we broker our puppies.  We do not "meet" potential fur families, we prefer you to come to our home and see where and how your new fur addition is raised.

Our family is here 24 hours a day to properly care for our fur kids!!  It takes alot of time, sweat, and tears to groom, keep up with sanitation, have visitors, answer texts, emails, phone calls, vet visits, medicating puppies, updating pictures, (the hardest part), and of all, have family time.  So we do miss out on vacations and away time, but that is the sacrifice for caring and loving what we do, raising wonderful fur children!!!

To make an appointment to meet the puppies:

Call 513-503-7114 or


Privacy is very important, as we do not want to upset our mommies!!

Our mom and dad's have a large, wonderful play and exercise area that is shaded in one half and sunny in the other.  Some of them like to sun bathe, other's like to chill in the shade.  Equipped with heat and air conditioning, they tend to be a bit spoiled!!

Our puppies receive a series of vaccinations starting at 6 weeks, followed by 9, 12, and 15 weeks.   We use live modified virus, DAPPv.  Intra Trac II or Proguard KC for our Bordetella/Kennel Cough vaccine. We use a de-worming regimen with Pyrantel Pamoete, and Panacur as needed.  
All pups leave our home with a Health record documenting all vaccinations, and preventative maintenance.   We also give a written congenital health guarantee on every puppy that covers any type of congenital defects found by a licensed veterinary practice. 
Please keep in mind, we DO NOT warrant viral, or bacterial condition's caused by exposure once you leave with your new fur kid.  Confine your new puppy to your home until he or she has received all 3 puppy vaccinations. No puppy play parks, no training facilities, no pet stores, no grooming shops, even at the veterinarians office do not let others handle or play with your new puppy. Do not put them on the floor either. Remember, not all puppies are there for routine visits, some may be there because they are sick. You must avoid exposing your puppy to sickness. Limit visitors and outings for the first two weeks, we know you're excited to show off your new fur kid, but it can be too stressful and dangerous for him or her.
Injuries are NOT COVERED. 
We do not cover puppies that have been dropped, kicked, foot slung, bounced off of beds or fallen off of couches or down flights of steps. It is your responsibilty to keep your fur kid safe once you leave us.

Confine your puppy when you are not able to be with them. Never leave a new puppy unattended with young children or other family pets. Be sure to teach the family how to properly hold the puppy by placing one hand under the hindquarters and the other under the chest. Never pick him/her up by the front paws, neck, tail or legs. Never allow children to put the puppy on a couch or bed, he or she will jump to try to get to them and will become injured. Be very cautious when walking to avoid stepping on or kicking the puppy, they love to be right at your feet. 

Hypoglycemia, (low blood sugar) IS NOT covered.  It is your duty to provide fresh water and food for your new fur kid at all times.  That means while you are away, and throughout the night time hours. Small breed puppies MUST eat every 2-3 hours to prevent hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Keep the food and water in the same place, do not move it around for the puppy may become confused and not know where to find it. If you notice that your puppy is not interested in eating their dry kibble, you may need to mix gravy, chicken breast, cooked hamburger, cottage cheese or canned puppy food in with the dry kibble to entice their appetite. Always keep Karo syrup, honey or Ener-cal (Nutrical) handy in case of low blood sugar. In the event you change the brand of puppy food, make sure to mix the new and old food and wean him/her from the old brand gradually to avoid diarrhea.
In the event of fatality within the first 90 days of ownership, we do require a necropsy (autopsy) detailing the cause of death, for replacement of the puppy.  This protects us and you as well. 
Please remember, puppies must have a series of (3) vaccinations, administered at (3) week intervals.  Re-vaccination annually is recommended by the American Veterinary Medical Association.  The expense of a new member of the family does not end once you bring him or her home.  Please be aware there are more expenses involved.

Consult a reputable Veterinary Practice for heart-worm  prevention, rabies vaccinations, spay/neuter information, or any other concerns.


​I watch over four humans (two little ones and two big ones). The big ones think they’re in charge, but it’s the little ones that get my tail in a wagging frenzy.

Meet Miss Amber.  She is the one whom socializes, grooms, bathes and cares for our beautiful Fur Kids!   She does a fantastic job getting them ready for their new homes! She is also our amazing photographer!

Together these two do an amazing job raising healthy, happy, and good quality fur kids for all to love and enjoy!.

Meet Ms. Shonda.  She is the breeder, owner and operator of our kennel. As well as the web master, and primary care giver to our fur kids.

We first started raising toy puppies in 1992 after purchasing three chihuahua family members.  We became so interested in these little critter's and how much joy they had given us, we decided to share the joy with others and began raising a few litters. 

Presently, we raise a variety of puppies including our famous Maltipoo, Shipoo, Yorkiepoo, Morkie, and Shichon puppies.  (We realize not everyone wants a Chihuahua, so we began giving families more of a variety to choose from). 

Most of our fur babies are completely non-shedding and hypo-allergenic.
